What Do I Do If I Have An Allergy To My Pet

What do I do if I have an allergy to my pet

If you adore animals and want to include them as members of the family, surely a question is on your mind: What to do if, suddenly, I discover that I have an allergy to my pet? Do not despair, we will tell you how to handle the issue in the best possible way.

Avoid hasty decisions

pet allergies

If you or a family member have an allergy to the house pet, the first thing you should do is not make hasty decisions.

It is very possible that your doctor, very loose in body, will tell you to get rid of the little animal in question. Do not rush. Ask for other professional opinions. Nothing that is done in a hurry usually leads to success. You must first make sure that your pet is the cause of your allergy.

If so, there are ways that, despite the situation, you and your beloved furry can live in the same house.

If you discover that you have an allergy to your pet, don’t make hasty decisions. There are ways that, despite allergens, you and your furry friend can continue to live together under the same roof.

I have an allergy to my pet, what do I do?

There are a series of measures that can be taken so that allergic humans and domestic animals can coexist under the same roof. For instance:

  • Prevent the pet from entering the bedroom of the person with the allergy.
  • Get rid of carpets and anything similar that can accumulate hair. Do not leave blankets, rags or fabrics within reach of the furry or allow him to get on the sofa.
  • Do not play effusively with the pet inside the house and wash your hands well after handling it.
  • Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter at home.

Other steps to avoid pet allergies

In addition, there are a series of actions that contribute to reducing the possibility of having an allergy but that in no way should be carried out by allergic people.

In this case, you should ask for help from family or friends who do not have this problem. Or, if it is within the means, hire someone to carry out these tasks. Namely:

  • Thoroughly clean the house.
  • Properly sanitize the place where the animal sleeps.
  • Bathe and brush your pet at least once a week. These activities are convenient to develop outside the home. Great care must be taken to use the appropriate shampoo so as not to cause inconvenience to the animal’s skin and to aggravate the issue. Consulting the vet is always a good option in these cases.

A product to reduce allergens present on the skin of pets

Also,  there are products that are safe for pets and that can significantly reduce allergies. These are topical lotions that, applied once a week to the entire skin of the animal, reduce the presence of allergens.

In addition, they rehydrate the epidermis and keep furry skin in good condition. Consult your vet about any questions that this product may generate and about the most correct way to apply it.

Information about allergy to pets

There is a belief that what causes allergy is the animal’s hair. But in reality, birds can also cause this condition and have feathers.

The truth is that some humans are allergic to some pet proteins present in dander or skin scales, saliva and urine and that can easily accumulate in the animal’s hair.

Also, if you have asthma, you are more likely to be allergic to pets.

In any case, always consult a specialist, so that they can give you the most appropriate treatment for your allergy.

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Do not deprive yourself or your children of the company of a pet

Surely, with a good predisposition and a lot of patience, allergy sufferers and pets can live together happily under the same roof.

If you have children or plan to have them, remember that babies who grow up with pets have a much lower risk of developing allergies to animals as adults.

So don’t deprive yourself or them of the good company of furry friends.

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