Why Do People Abuse Animals?

Why do people abuse animals?

For people who love animals, and even many who are not, the idea of ​​hurting a creature is inconceivable. So it makes you wonder: Why do people abuse animals?

The reasons that can lead a person to mistreat animals, especially when it is a chronic behavior, are very varied, since there are very specific reasons for each case, but generally it occurs for three reasons:

By ignorance

stray cats

Incredibly, most people who abuse animals don’t do it on purpose. Many of the pet owners do not know essential aspects about the health and basic needs of the animal, which lead to situations of abuse or suffering of the animal.

For example, some people do not realize what type of housing different animals need. They can have a doghouse in the yard or garden located directly on the ground, without keeping in mind that they flood when it rains, generating different health problems for the dog.

Also, it is very common for some to choose to keep the dog chained or locked in a confined space, without realizing that this is a very cruel action. The same occurs with people who try to keep their pets under control through the use of cruel forms of discipline, for example physical punishment or intimidation, because they think they are the best ways to solve behavior problems of a dog.

Other people are cruel because they don’t pay attention. For example, it is common for novice caregivers to forget to give their pet water for a few days or to leave them in a car on a hot day with the windows closed. The same goes for the vaccination chart or visits to the vet.

Lastly, some people hurt animals even though they think they are helping them. For example, those who have so many pets that they cannot take care of all of them. These people are called “hoarders” and suffer from a disorder called “Noah’s syndrome.”

Unfortunately, despite having good intentions and loving animals, they cannot take care of everyone and end up living in dirty and unsanitary places.

However,  this can be improved with a little education, as your knowledge about the needs of the animals in your care is increased. What is a relief is that the majority of people who abuse animals belong to this group, and their actions can be corrected with a little basic education and state interest.

Momentary abusers

In this group are people who hurt animals on purpose, but do so only once or for a short period of time. For example, a group of children chasing a dog, or throwing rocks at cats or birds.

These people are often young and harm animals as a reflection of something that is wrong in their lives. For example, children who are abused at school, by their families, or who are abused by social pressure.

These types of abusers are generally angry with someone else (such as their parents) and kick their dog because they cannot do it with the person or situation that is causing them annoyance.

Within this group are also those who agree to commit cruel actions with animals due to social pressure or as a way to impress a group of friends.

However, intentionally hurting animals for any reason is taken seriously. In most states, those caught committing cruel acts to animals face severe penalties, be it fines or jail time.

Despite this, they are people, especially if they are children, who require psychological and moral support to detect the type of situation that is triggering their abusive actions, since normally those abusive children and young people are also victims of some kind of abuse.

For pleasure or profit

aggressive dogs

In the last group are the abusers who do it for pleasure or to obtain some kind of benefit (generally economic). This group includes hunters, people who use animals in shows, those who use animals for illicit activities, and those who simply find it fun or exciting to hurt or kill animals.

These are people who hurt animals because they like to cause pain to other beings as a way to feel powerful. Many of those in this group would hurt other people if they could get away with it. For this reason, they choose animals, since they are more defenseless than people and cannot betray them.

There are also those who are consumed by greed and are not interested in the suffering they can cause, as long as they get money out of the situation.

Some of the motivations of these people are:

  • Money (dog fights, sale of furs and fangs, etc.)
  • Wanting to have control over others (a person would hurt their partner’s pet to intimidate them)
  • Using animals to hurt others as a way to feel powerful.
  • Enjoy the pain and violence.

    People who belong to this group generally suffer from psychological disorders or lead a criminal life. They often need professional help or end up in prison, either for animal abuse or related crimes.

    Keep in mind that many serial killers or hit men have a history of abusing animals at some point in their lives.

    Image courtesy of Mariano García-Gaspar.

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