Work Of A Police Dog

Work of a police dog

Today, police forces in the world’s major cities use dogs to track criminals, sniff out illegal materials, and do other jobs that humans cannot do.

Below we share information on how a dog becomes a police dog and what his job is.

Some data…

In addition to sensitivity, the sense of smell is very delicate. You can discern a specific smell, even when there are dozens of other smells around.

Drug dealers have tried to trick drug sniffing dogs by wrapping drugs in perfume-soaked towels, but the dogs can find them anyway.

The job of a police dog is not just about its nose. The intimidating growl of a well-trained German Shepherd can cause many criminals to choose to surrender rather than run or fight.

A little history about the police dog …

anti-pyromania dogs

European policemen were already using bloodhounds in the 18th century. However, it wasn’t until World War I that countries like Belgium and Germany formalized the training process and began using dogs for specific tasks, such as guarding.

The practice continued during World War II. Soldiers returning from the conflict used to tell stories of well-trained dogs being used from both sides. Soon, K-9 programs were started in London and other cities in Europe (K-9 is a homophone of canine English which would be canine).

The use of police dogs in the   United States began strongly in the 1970s.

What is the right dog?

The key attributes of a successful dog are intelligence, level of aggression, strength, and sense of smell.

Most police dogs are male, not neutered to maintain their natural aggressiveness. This aggression must be kept under control with thorough and rigorous training.

How do you get a police dog?

Police departments obtain these types of dogs because they are donated by their owners or because they have been trained for police work. Dogs imported from Europe have several advantages over American-bred dogs.

In Europe, the breeding rules are very strict. Dogs are measured for their physical attributes and are only bred if they meet those criteria. Furthermore, the European police dog bodies are internationally renowned.

Before a dog even arrives in the United States, the dog has already undergone rigorous training and has achieved international certification.

The downside to using European dogs in America is cost. Its price is an average of $8,500 for the purchase plus the shipment of a dog from Europe to the United States.

However, in many cases, police dogs pay for themselves with money seized from drug traffickers.

The police dog and his handler make up a K-9 unit. Only the most dedicated individuals are considered for K-9 units. They must have model records, an outgoing energetic personality, and strong physical conditioning. A police dog’s career typically lasts about six years.

How does a dog become a policeman?

smell dog

All police dogs must first become experts in basic obedience training. They must obey the orders of their handler without hesitation.

This is what keeps the dog’s inherent aggression in check, and allows the officer to control the amount of force the animal is using against a suspect.

A police dog is found in public places and is used for distractions such as traffic. Command words are used in the coach’s native language.

The dog must be able to jump over walls and climb stairs and is acclimated to city life.

Finally, each dog receives training in its specialty. Many dogs are trained to search for drugs, other bombs, weapons, or people.

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